Community Vacation Bible School
OUR COMMUNITY VBS is going to be at Calvary this year starting Sunday 5:30-8;00pm on July 25th – 27th.
VBS is for kids beginning kindergarten through beginning 6th grade.
5:30-6:00 – Dinner will be served
Sunday – walking taco’s 7 Brownies
Monday – Hot Dogs, chips & cookies
Tuesday – Pizza & dessert
6:00-8:00 – VBS In Calvary’s sanctuary.
Pick up a registration sheet for your child on the welcome table at Church.
If you would like to volunteer, there will be a sign up sheet on the welcome table as well.
Please let Pastor AJ or Pastor Cynthia know if need an orange VBS shirt. Some of you that volunteered in years past have a shirt at home. If you will not be volunteering this year, but you have a shirt, we would appreciate you turning them in.